Accessories are like the cherry on top of a perfect outfit! They add that extra something special to an ensemble and can be a very unique and personal way of expressing yourself.

A HAT FOR STYLIN' : A hat can be a styling accessory that gives a twist to a maternity photos and accentuates your bump. A great summer hat with an extra-wide brim makes all the difference when used indoors, you can go either bare, matching bra & panty set or use a maternity bodysuit.

BRING ON YOUR SHOE GAME : A pair of stiletto heels is perfect for completing your glamorous looks, or to make your looks a bit more feminine.

The stiletto always brings a sense of drama—in the very best way. We ask clients to pack a few pairs of their best shoes to use during their sessions.
ROCK THAT CROWN LIKE A QUEEN: One can never go wrong with a DIAMOND STUDDED TIARA. We have a beautiful collection of tiaras in our studio for our clients to use during their sessions.
Are, hospitals still offering newborn photos? click here to read the post by Vanessa

Check out a fellow photographer Tasha's tips for choosing maternity gown click here